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Known for its beauty, friendly people and real estate investment opportunities, Bali attracts many buyers looking for high yields from seasonal rentals, and/or to purchase a second home. Thanks to its high profile on the web and social networks, its reputation is well established.

However, to really make a property purchase in Bali a reality, it’s essential to be able to witness the Balinese culture and lifestyle for yourself… and to know the legal particularities and realities of the real estate market.

Here are a few questions you’ve probably already asked yourself…

“Is my plan to buy in Bali the right one?”

“Do I know enough about the island to be able to take the plunge?”

“Does my budget really allow me to have a property with the desired quality standards?”

In a nutshell… “Am I ready to invest in Bali?

You’re ready if…

1. You have already been to Bali or are planning a trip within the next 6 months

Despite the diversity of information channels available, it’s impossible to really get to know Bali without visiting the island at least once. Indeed, a site visit is essential if you are to form your own opinion of Bali, as your personal experience may differ from that of acquaintances or testimonials on the web.

That’s why, if you have a concrete real estate project in Bali, whether to live or invest, it’s advisable to plan a trip to “test” the destination: rent a villa and live there for a few days, visit several areas of the island, assess the distance between different places, witness the passage (or not!) of tourists in your chosen investment destination… so you can be really sure you’ve made the right choice.

Can I go on site to organize tours?

Yes, it makes sense to schedule visits if you have a trip planned in the next 6 months, and you feel ready to invest quickly after the visits: to avoid, considering the dynamism of the Bali real estate market, that the properties visited have been sold before you’ve had a chance to make a decision.

Please note, however, that visits are time-consuming, given the potentially long travel times involved. It is therefore advisable to devote at least half a day to each property visited.


2. You have at least €150,000 of available capital

Most villas in Bali with swimming pool, terrace, good quality construction, European-standard comfort… will require a budget of at least €150,000. It will often be very difficult to get a loan from your French bank (unless you can mortgage a property in France). To invest in Bali, you need to have the full investment amount at your disposal.

Villa prices will vary according to location, number of bedrooms, surface area… but also according to the remaining term of the Leasehold (long-term lease) in the case of a villa for resale. (Our free brochure explores this topic in more detail. Download it to find out more).


Get in touch with our trusted expert on the island to help you with your purchase

Bali and Indonesia in general operate under very different rules from France. That’s why it’s imperative to be well accompanied, by someone who is present on the spot, who knows the real estate market, the laws, the language and the customs.

Before making any purchase, your advisor will explain in detail the procedures and laws in force.

When buying, it is advisable to have the contracts, which are written in Indonesian, explained to you, and to be accompanied when dealing with the notary, who is responsible for verifying, among other things, the legality of the property.

You need to check with our advisor to ensure that, after the purchase, you can resell your property if you wish, and under the right conditions (for example, in the case of a purchase by a foreign-owned company, resale requires the agreement of all partners).


Do you have at least €150,000 in available capital and are you planning to visit Bali to make your project a reality?

In anticipation of your trip, download our free “Investor’s Guide to Bali”, which will give you details of what you need to know before you arrive: where to invest, property in Indonesia, the different types of purchase… as well as the contacts of our specialists who will give you further explanations.

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