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With the number of French people settling in Thailand rising steadily, Thailand is proving to be an attractive destination. Social and economic stability, modern infrastructures, the hospitality of its people and quality of life are all assets for this dynamic and welcoming country.

Article published on : BFMTV LaVieImmo


Villa with pool overlooking the cityWhy choose Thailand as an expat destination?

Thailand is undoubtedly one of the most popular destinations for French expatriates. Ranked 2 nd in the Express’s 2017 list of favorite destinations for French retirees, and with a steady rise in the number of French people moving there, Thailand knows how to prove itself attractive. Social and economic stability, modern infrastructures, the hospitality of its people and quality of life are all assets for this dynamic and welcoming country.

Thailand is truly a land of welcome for foreigners, and even more so for the French, who have made it one of their preferred holiday destinations. But to get off to a good start, it’s a good idea to find out all you need to know about buying a home.

This will give you the opportunity to see how easy it is to buy a home in Thailand, and how attractive the prices are.

Read the rest of the article on BFMTV LaVieImmo.com


Patrick Monti (head of Osiris Investissements)Here you can find all the columns written by Patrick Monti (head of Osiris Investissements) on La Vie Immo.

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